Forty-five days before my 60th birthday, the final decree of my divorce came through and I was single again after a 26-year marriage.
OK but now what do I do? I have a mortgage, bills, a home, several pets, and a 20-year-old SUV to care for. I’ll tell you what I do. I Suck It Up, Buttercup and get to work, focusing my energies on building up and improving my online business.
In addition to my ‘regular’ daytime job of course. I ain’t no fool.
Online retail is perfect for my situation. I can do it from home, and with limited resources up here on the mountain, I can work with what is available to me. Such as my brain, and a strong work ethic.
I have a lot of irons in the fire, all lumped into the catch-all term NanBiz, and I’ll tell you about all of them, but – first things first…
Keeping a schedule is so important. It helps me get straight into ‘work-mode’ rather than wasting time in ‘fooling-around-on-the-internet mode’. A good method for this is known as Time Blocking. Simply put, I look at my day, or my week, plug in the things that HAVE to be done (appointments, chores, etc) and then around that, I clearly see what are the large chunks of time are available for me to spend on building my online business.
I combine that with a productivity technique known as bullet journaling – bastardized by me to conform to my slovenly ways. Seriously, the things I read about how to do bullet journaling correctly make me tired before I even begin. There is so much involved! I just do what works for me and doesn’t take up half my day.
So I end up with this worksheet. When I complete a task, I fill the square. Or if a task is incomplete by the end of the day I fill it in half way to remind myself I need to get back to it. (here is a link to download one that I have not scribbled all over) This technique also works with a purchased weekly planner, but the free download is, well, free.
So that is my first line of defense. Organize my week so when I do find myself sliding off track, or wondering what to do next, I can just refer to my handy dandy NanBiz grid and see what I should be doing next!