This post contains affiliate links for products that I have tried and recommend. I do receive a small commission when you purchase from my links which goes directly into my Taco Tuesdays fund thankyouverymuch.
Mountain living has its own set of challenges.
Yes, it’s beautiful, peaceful, and quiet at night. You are among the wild creatures, there’s fresh air, and a slower lifestyle.
It’s also 50 miles to the nearest grocery store, and your choices of eating out are limited to the home-style cafe during the day or the bar and grill at night. You’re 7,000 feet up in the sky. Scents do not carry well on thin air. The growing season is short, and you are limited even to what you are able to grow.
So, over the years, I’ve acquired some pretty helpful books:
The Encyclopedia of Country Living: SO helpful when trying to navigate the rural life!
Growing Food in the Southwest Mountains: It’s all different rules up here in the sky. Read it, learn it, live it.
Arizona and New Mexico Garden Guide: Hardy plants and flowers for an arid environment
Rainwater Harvesting: Good stuff. You’ll probably need it.
Coyote Cafe: Just because I like the recipes.
Building Your Backyard Homestead: DIY Projects. A great excuse to buy power tools!